جۆری توێژینه‌وه‌ : Original Article


*Assistant Lecturer, Bio Dept, college of education, Garmian University, Kalar, Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region, Iraq


The purpose of the study was to observe the fasting blood glucose and lipid profile (TG and
Cholesterol). The study included 35 diabetic cases and ages ranging from (36-66) years. The
family history of each individual was recorded in a questionnaire form. In addition, the study
included 15 non-diabetic healthy persons as control group. The cases and control group were
grouped according to the age and sex. Blood samples were collected from both groups and sera
were separated and used for the determination of TG, Cholesterol and fasting blood glucose were
estimated manually by the use of Spectrophotometer. In the current study, the age groups (46-55)
and (56-66) included the highest number of diabetic people, which represented 37.14 % and
34.29% of the total 35 cases. However, the age group (36-45) included the lowest number of the
diabetic people, which represents 26.57 % of the total diabetic cases. Furthermore, 71.43% of
diabetic were married, concerning smoking, 74.29% of among the studied cases were smokers.
The results of the biochemical analysis showed a significantly high level of fasting serum
glucose, in diabetic cases of both sexes at both studied age groups, The results of the biochemical
analysis showed a significantly of high level of total cholesterol (TC) and triglycerides (TG)
diabetic cases of both sex.

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