جۆری توێژینه‌وه‌ : Original Article


1 University of Garmian, College of Education, Chemistry Department

2 University Of Almustansria, College of Science, Biology Department


Indian spices that provide flavor, color, and aroma to food also possess many therapeutic
properties. So the present study was aimed to extract the phytochemical compounds in Piper
cubeba, used as food fortifiers. The extract was investigated for the richness of its bioactive
compounds. The aqueous of P. cubeba extract was subjected to sensitive gas chromatography
– mass spectroscopy GC-MS analysis revealed 10 chemical constituents. Extract exhibits
potentially bioactive major constituents like Cyclohexanol, Carbamic acid, p-
Methoxyamphetamine, Bioxirane and Linalol. Further presented the total carbohydrate,
elements, such as Ca, Mg, Se, K and Fe were in highest proportion in the aqueous extract of
Piper cubeba. The aqueous extract was injected to HPLC to detect the phenolic compounds in
the extract like Gallic acid, Caffeic acid,Syringic acid, Ferulicacid,Rutin and Catechin. We
have investigated the antimicrobial activity of water extract from P. Cubeba against major
skin pathogens Staphylococccus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa , Proteus vulgaris and
Koucria rosia. . The presence of some phytochemicals (saponins, alkaloids, flavonoids,
cardiac glycosides, tannins and terpenoids) and some essential minerals proves that it is really
an alternative source of medicine.

وشه‌ بنچینه‌ییه‌كان

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