Document Type : Original Article


Business Administration Department Darbandikhan Technical Institute Sulaimani Polytechnic University Sulaymaniyah, Iraq


The possibility of determining the nature, direction, and speed of urban expansion is one of the problems that all cities suffer alike, although it is necessary to take into account the existence of differences in the nature of this extension, and that chaos can lead to urban overlap, so it is difficult to determine the direction of expansion. There is no accurate answer to determine and evaluate the extent of the extension, so it is very important to find accurate methods and methodology for analyzing the spatial features and an appropriate mechanism within the limits of what is available in the field of business in Iraq. To monitor, define, and evaluate urban sprawl on agricultural lands in Iraq by researchers, this study relied on the desk extrapolation methodology to analyze and evaluate the results that were reached by analyzing various previous studies in this field to reach the feasibility of using these Techniques. This study revives analyze and discuss the results of previous studies that dealt with urban sprawl, with the aim of evaluating those results in order to determine the ideal methodology to determine the possibility of identifying the problem, by determining the manner and method used in former studies. And also analyzing the results of those studies, to identifying the best results and determining the points to be considered more and the accuracy and objectivity of those results.


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