The Effect of Using Concept Mapping on Developing EFL Students' Writing Skills
The Effect of Using Concept Mapping on Developing EFL Students' Writing Skills

Ban Shihab Ahmed

خول 7، ژماره‌ 1 ، پوشپه‌ڕ 2020، ، لاپه‌ڕه‌ 222-256

         Concept maps are tools for organizing and representing knowledge. They include concepts, usually enclosed in circles or boxes of some type, and relationships ...  زیاتر بخوێنەوە
An Assessment of EFL Students' Performance in the Area of Linguistics Humorous Texts
An Assessment of EFL Students' Performance in the Area of Linguistics Humorous Texts

Ban Shihab Ahmed

خول 6، ژماره‌ 2 ، ڕه‌زبه‌ر 2019، ، لاپه‌ڕه‌ 417-434 garmian.196234

  Humor brings people together under shared laughter. However, since humor requires highly sensitive linguistic and cultural competence, expressing and appreciating humor is often a challenge ...  زیاتر بخوێنەوە